For optimum handling and increased tread life.When loaded, this fulcrum/lever action assures that the center section of bunk will maintain contact with the hull, giving more overall, equal support.The rear section of the bunks are mounted on a teeter-totter style bracket which pivots on the rear cross-member.The key to Equiload is in the mounting of the bunks.This handy step pad adds cushion to the frame where it is most vulnerable during loading.

The robot-welded spindles ensure perfect welds and precise axle alignment.Drop axle gives trailer a lower profile for smoother towing and easier loading.The larger series’ fenders have integrated step pads and are enclosed on the inside to protect the side of the boat.Every fender is molded from a composite material that will not rust and springs back after minor impact.The industry standard has been set by the patented, ShoreLand’r Custom Molded Fender.We don’t want the trailer to overwhelm the boat so we’ve selected just the right amount of color in our stylish wave design.The coupler/actuator is bolted on for easy replacement if necessary.The pads on the cross-member protect the hull and help center the boat during loading.Smaller units use a polyethylene pad or a single roller depending on capacity of the trailer.Multiple eight-inch rollers on a dual-pivoting bracket provide equalized and constant support directly to the keel of the boat, its strongest point.See your dealer for your specific application. Adding optional equipment may decrease the trailer's carrying capacity. NOTE: Recommended carrying capacity is based on shipping weight of the trailer with standard equipment. The teeter-totter style bracket pivots on the rear cross-member to insure that every square inch of bunk or roller is doing its share to support your boat’s hull. This system evenly distributes the weight of your boat for smooth launching and loading. Capacity Boat Trailers: Patented Equiload Support separates this trailer’s support characteristics from any other on the market. It features fully carpeted bunks and keel protective pads to protect your craft while in transit.ġ,800 lb. Capacity Boat Trailers: This traditional bunk configuration has both vertical and horizontal adjustments. That’s why all ShoreLand’r trailers, even the smaller models, have the same quality and attention to detail that you’ll find in our larger trailers.ħ00 lb. Boatsīoating is all about relaxing and having fun – two things that you can’t do if you’re worried about your trailer.